It was an excellent film. I appreciated how "Catholic" it was, and how human and weak some of the Catholic leaders were. I would respectfully disagree about the level of spirituality portrayed in the movie. Mother was frequently up late at night praying alone, just as we see Christ portrayed in the gospels. She was willing to confront the leaders of the Church for failing the poor, the marginalized, because to do so would be to compromise their standing with the power brokers - as Christ confronted the Pharisees. I was reminded of the Franciscan adage to preach at all times, and when necessary use words. She was Mother Teresa of Calcutta in a different era and in a different location. Her Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart spread out as far as Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity. There was no person unimportant to her. "Whatsoever you do to the least of these my brothers, you do to me."

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Thanks for reading! You may be correct about the scenes depicting her praying. After reading many of Cabrini’s own words, I was disappointed that her dialogue in the film didn’t contain more meat. Especially in that interaction with Vittoria. That said, I still recommend the film. It was beautifully done and something I could recommend to others whole-heartedly as there was no objectionable language or scenes.

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